Gairdner Foundation

The Gairdner Foundation was created in 1957 by James Arthur Gairdner to recognize and reward the achievements of medical researchers whose work contributes significantly to improving the quality of human life. Since the first awards were made in 1959, the Gairdner Awards have become Canada's foremost international award. They hold up the pinnacle of achievement as a mirror to Canadians, and in so doing, play a role in helping Canada achieve its goals of excellence.

The Gairdner Foundation is a non-profit organization devoted to the recognition of outstanding achievement in biomedical research worldwide. The Gairdner Foundation is proud of its 50 year history of awarding the world's most creative and accomplished biomedical scientists. The Awards recognize scientific discoveries from every field of bioscience. We are also proud of the Canada Gairdner Wightman Award, which identifies for particular recognition, Canadian leaders in medical science.

In February 2008 the Federal Government announced a $20 million allocation to the Gairdner Foundation to increase the prizes to $100,000 each, and institute a new individual prize in Global Health. Commencing in 2009, the Awards have been renamed the Canada Gairdner International Awards.



The Canada Gairdner International Awards are given annually to individuals from a diversity of fields for outstanding discoveries or contributions to medical science.

The Canada Gairdner Global Health Award recognizes those who have made scientific advances in one of four areas: basic science, clinical science or population or environmental health. The advances must have made, or have the potential to make a significant impact on health in the developing world.

The Canada Gairdner Wightman Award is given to a Canadian who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in medicine and medical science.

Board of directors

A 12 member Board of Directors consisting of 4 members of the Gairdner family and 8 leading figures in Canadian business and scientific life oversee the work of the Foundation. The Directors provide logistical support to the Medical Review Panel and the Medical Advisory Board, and are also engaged in fundraising for the Foundation and planning for its future growth.

Medical Advisory Board

The Medical Advisory Board (MAB) comprises a group of scientists from across Canada, the United States, Europe, Asia and Australia. Each January, the MAB meets in Toronto to review the nominations submitted by the Medical Review Panel. After an in depth study and lengthy discussion of each nominee, comparing their work with others in their respective field, secret ballots are cast and the five or six annual winners chosen.

The members of the Medical Advisory Board are:

Medical Review Panel

The Medical Review Panel (MRP) is composed of a group of leading scientists from across Canada who provide a "first screening" of the nominations for the Gairdner Awards, submitting their long and short list to the Medical Advisory Board. The members of the Medical Review Panel are:

Student Outreach Program

The Gairdner National Program sees current and past awardees fan out across the country to speak to medical and science faculty at 18-22 universities from St John's to Vancouver. Since 2001 they have also given lectures to selected senior high school and CEGEP students. During the lecture, which is 15 to 20 minutes long, the scientist is asked to address two questions: How did I get into the field? What is the question I have been working on? The lecture is followed by a question period, which is invariably lively.

The aims of the high school lectures are to encourage these students to consider entering science programs and perhaps eventually undertake careers in either science or medicine. This year lectures took place in Charlottetown, Kingston, Toronto (at York and University of Toronto), Ottawa, Montreal, Waterloo, London, Guelph, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver. At several universities these lectures have become part of the overall student recruitment program.

Students are selected by their schools and an individual at each university coordinates the event. This year we reached over 3500 high school/CEGEP students.

One of the somewhat unexpected results of the senior high school program has been the pleasure that nearly every scientist has expressed at being given the opportunity to speak to a younger audience.

2010 Gairdner National Program

Each October, as part of the Gairdner's mandate to communicate the work of medical researchers to others, the most recent Canada Gairdner awardees, along with awardees from years past, visit universities across Canada to provide academic lectures on their area of expertise

[1] 2010 Gairdner National Program schedule


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